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What Is Hypnotherapy?

💫✨✨Friday FAQs✨✨💫

This is the start of a new, perhaps weekly (but let's face it, more likely occassional, because this is me, after all 😉) series where I attempt to address some of the burning questions and queries I've been asked over the years about the therapies I offer and the work I do. I'm starting with an easy one 😁

✨✨What is Hypnotherapy? ✨✨

Hypnotherapy is, quite simply, therapy which uses hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a deep state of focus and concentration where the conscious mind is occupied elsewhere and we can directly access the infinite, all-knowing subconscious mind, where our memories, positive and negative beliefs, habits and behaviours are stored.

In other words, we cut through the voice in your head that might be saying 'oh yes, that's a good idea, BUT...' and go straight to the source, to make the changes you want to make.

To get to that point, I like to talk you through a method to relax the body, and then relax the Mind. You will feel deeply relaxed, and you may feel sleepy but you will be in control at all times, and if you choose to open your eyes, scratch your nose or even sit up and stop the session, you'll be able to... But the chances are, you'll be so relaxed, you won't want to do anything but lie there and let my voice wash over you.

The 'therapy' part of hypnotherapy means that it is commonly used to help people change unwanted behaviours and adopt more healthy ones. It is also used to help manage pain, or cope with the symptoms of stress and anxiety by learning relaxation and stress management techniques.

I love using hypnotherapy to support women to lose weight, and to manage the life changes they are going through.

Because the subconscious mind is where your imagination and creativity lie we can go on amazing journeys, and envisage the future 'you' without the problem, issue or difficulty that's holding you back, which is great for finding solutions to problems and amazingly effective for motivation!

And because your memories, are stored there, if it's appropriate and you want to do so, we can go back and view events from your childhood or adolescence where the negative beliefs might have been formed, and look at them through more mature eyes, giving the younger you resources and advice to help change the beliefs or habits you developed as a result of what happened.

If you wish, we can go even further back into your past lives, and discover if anything that happened in a past life is the cause of your current issues, fears or phobias.... That's a whole other FAQ session, so if you have any questions, drop me a line somewhere and I'll include it in a future Friday FAQ.

So, hypnotherapy is a safe, enjoyable and wonderful journey into your subconscious mind.

💫💫💫It's all there, ready to be discovered... What are you waiting for? 💫💫💫

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